Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hard to Concentrate

I am having such a hard time concentrating on actually working. I keep thinking about my Dr.'s appointment tomorrow. I hope they do another ultrasound. I've really been so spoiled lately, since I've had an ultrasound at every appointment I've been to. :)

Our ultrasound to find out the gender is scheduled for July 31st, it seems so far away. But I'm sure the time will fly by and it will be here before I know it. Today is already July 1st! So 30 more days to go!

I'm really worried about what is going to happen when I take maternity leave. I don't have enough money to support myself for a minimum of 6 weeks yet. I was told by my boss that I could collect unemployment, which was false information. As far as I know they have no intentions of doing anything to help me financially while I'm off. I think they need better laws to help support women while they are off after giving birth. It's pretty ridiculous!

So pretty soon here I will need to go by the Belly band or some pants that fit. Once summer is over I will have nothing to wear. All my pants are stretchy capris that you can't wear in snow. I think I may be needing another new bra soon, which is fine by me!! I welcome these new additions to my body. Although I must admit they tend to get in the way sometimes when you're trying to sleep.

I took my belly ring out today. I figured I should let it heal before the skin really starts to stretch and it looks like a gaping hole. Plus you could see the bar bell sticking out of my shirts and it looked funny. I feel like my belly button has already started to get closer to the top (or to being an outie - although it has a LONG way to go before its an outie). I know this because I have a really deep belly button and it never would touch my belly ring, but it has been lately.

Finally, I'm pretty sure I felt the baby move yesterday for the first time. It was so weird, like a flutter in my belly. It felt different then gas bubbles feel. Some would say its too early, and maybe they are right - but I swear it was the baby. It only did it once and I haven't felt it since, but it made me feel like everything is ok. Especially since I seem to worry 24/7! I guess having 2 miscarriages in your life would do that to you.

Well I should probably try and get something done around here.

Until then.... Day Dreaming Mom-to-Be

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

11 Weeks, 5 Days ~ Almost done with the first trimester!

I'm so happy that we've made it as far as we have! Ever since out appointment on June 4, 2009 I feel like I've been worrying less and less. I know in my heart that this time I am going to end up having a baby and I can't wait!!

In the meantime, it's not easy being pregnant and I've barely scratched the surface. I don't feel so pretty anymore :( acne has been a real problem. I don't think that I've never been tan since I was like 15 so that's an adjustment as well. I don't get the invites to go out to the bar (which is suspected of course) since I wouldn't go everytime anyways, but I sort of feel left out. It makes me feel really bad since I was never truly there for any of my friends when they went through their pregnancies. I didn't want to miss a day out getting drunk. I wish I could go back in time and change it, but I can't. I guess this is all part of growing up and that is an adjustment in itself as well!

So on our appointment (it was with a new doctor, Dr. Bonnefil) we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat with the Doppler. They also ended up giving us another ultrasound (which I was super happy about) and it was so crazy to see that our little fetus no longer looks like a blob but actually like a little baby. When
they put the ultrasound thing on my belly you could see the baby kicking its legs and its arms. It was so amazing, it looked like it was dancing. I think that's when it really hit Grant because I looked over at him and his eyes were filled with tears. It really touched my heart. He is going to be such a good dad to our baby and I'm truly blessed for that.

The picture is of our Baby Collins at 10 Weeks, 6 Days. Its hard to tell from the picture but there is a hand right by their head. It's a profile shot and you can see it's little eye and nose. Then it's leg is bent at the end.

It was funny because when we got home Grant & I were analyzing the picture and trying to figure out whose nose the baby had. Ha ha. Even though they say that this early all babies tend to look the same. I can't wait to see our little peanut in real life and kiss him or her. We will finally be able to stop calling our baby an "it" on July 24th! I can't wait :) We will know what we're having right before we go to the Incubus concert.

I found a baby clothing website that I love too! Its called punk baby clothes or something like that. I ordered Grant a onesie that says "My Daddy Rocks" for Father's Day. I had to get a generic color though since we don't know if it's a boy or a girl. They also have this really cute yellow Aerosmith onesie. But I refuse to order anything else, especially since the baby will probably only be able to wear it once! 44 More Days & Counting until we find out if we are having little Liam or Olivia :)


Until Then.... Baby Obsessed Mom-To-Be

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

9 Weeks & 5 Days

Only one more week until our next appointment, I'm so anxious! Although we read in our pregnancy book yesterday that there is a chance we may not be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. I guess it depends on the positioning of the baby & the placenta. I really hope that we can though or I will probably make the doctor do an ultrasound.

So I was worried that something was wrong last week because I stopped getting nauseous & my boobs weren't sore anymore. So I went into my doctor on Thursday, May 21, 2009. They were going to check my pregnancy hormone levels & let me know either the next day or not until the following Tuesday (since it was a Holiday weekend). THANKFULLY my results were back the next day & my levels were right where they were supposed to be. They went from 15,000+ (at 6 weeks, 3 days) to 121,000! It was such a relief!

I've already read the Jenny McCarthy books: Belly Laughs & Baby Laughs. Now I am reading her other book Life Laughs. They were really good and funny too. I love her writing style. I just wish the books were a little longer. There was one part of her book that was totally what I do - and I bet a bunch of other pregnant moms do it too. I'll go to one website & read about the baby's development & then I'll go to like 4 other websites and read those even though it basically says the same thing. Except maybe the other one will say that it grew an eyelash or something and I'll get so excited.

I catch myself daydreaming all the time about what the baby will look like and what kind of personality it will have when it's older. Will it be shy & reserved like its Dad or talkative and outgoing like me?? I can't wait to find out! I feel like for the rest of my life I'll never be able to think about anything except for my baby. That's ok with me, as long as I don't become one of those moms that no one wants to hang out with because all she talks about is her kid. Thankfully I have a lot of Mom Friends who will understand :)

Until Then.... Anxious Mom-To-Be

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Feeling Not So Hot :(

Well I must have spoken too soon. I've been having the worst nausea of my life :( I've been eating crackers and bread - anything that will help, but nothing is. I haven't really been vomiting but I dry heave quite frequently. Certain smells make me gag, like if Grant just smoked a cigarette and I smell his clothes or breath I get sick to my stomach.

Also yesterday we were grocery shopping and the sight of raw meat literally made me nauseous. I don't know what it is but there is something about meat (especially chicken) that has been making me sick. I can take a few bites and be ok, but then it's like I can taste iron or something in the meat and I start to get grossed out. Plus I start to think about these cute feathery living chickens and I feel like I'm eating a child's pet or something.

Grant said that its a sign of healthy pregnancy if I'm getting sick. So he basically told me he is happy that I feel like crap, ha ha. It's just hard to focus on work or school. I really hope it's not like this for my whole pregnancy. If it is, chances are I will get fired from my job. I feel like I have the attention span of a toddler. It's so hard to wake up in the morning too. Or let alone keep my eyes open all day while I'm at work.

I really want to get Jenny McCarthy's book - Belly Laughs. It has gotten really good reviews. I think she has a personality similar to mine, so I'd imagine her writing style is very blunt, to the point and not with the use of medical terminology. :) I guess she touches on all of the things about pregnancy that some women are too embarassed to talk about. Like constipation! What a pain in the rear (literally!). Well I should probably try and concentrate on getting some work done.

Until then... Queasy Mom-To-Be

Monday, May 11, 2009

7 Weeks, 3 Days & Counting

I wanted to start a blog so I could look back and have memories to share with our baby when he or she is all grown up. We first took a home test on Friday, April 24, 2009. It came back positive but we were very skeptical since we had miscarried at 5 weeks in early March. So I made a doctor's appointment for the following Monday (April 27th) where they did another test (which came back positive) and an ultrasound. They found just a yolk sac and estimated that I was 5 1/2 to 6 weeks pregnant. Just to make sure that this was a new pregnancy they said they wanted to see me back in exactly a week to perform another ultrasound.

Exactly one week later (May 4th), Grant & I went back for our 2nd ultrasound. They determined that the baby was growing and was healthy! We also got to see it's little heartbeat. It was so exciting, and since that day I have been consumed with learning any and everything that I can that relates to pregnancy and babies. I want to be the best mother that I can be. Our baby is due right on Christmas Day! I guess that was God's way of telling me to relax :)

Our next appointment is June 4th, where they will just do a check up and make sure they can hear the baby's heartbeat again. I hope that everything is normal and perfectly fine with our little boy or girl! I haven't been experiencing too many pregnancy symptoms. Just sore breasts, occassional nausea, feeling hungry every 4 hours and feeling exhausted even after waking up! I don't think I would even mind if I were sick, as long as I know we are having a normal pregnancy. We are so excited! I will try to write weekly and I'm going to start taking belly pictures, so we have photos of how fast my belly grows.

I still haven't told my work yet. I'm unsure of what the best approach would be to take. If you have any suggestions please let me know. I was going to wait until after my next appointment but then I will be almost 11 weeks. Also, they will know I've known for a while since I told them that I quit smoking. Oh well.

Until then.... Happy & Excited new Mom-To-Be <3